With an unwavering passion for art, animation, and image-making, Thomas Paul Thesen has dedicated over two decades to mastering their complexities. His journey has encompassed illustration, drawing, photography, and moving images, with notable roles as a character animator and visual development artist for renowned companies like Pixar, DreamWorks, and Sprite Animation Studios. His commitment to the craft is further evident in his extensive teaching experience at universities across Asia, the USA, and the UK.
Animation Consulting
Thomas Paul Thesen offers a comprehensive range of animation consulting services, designed to meet the diverse needs of his clients:
- Script consulting with a focus on the three-act structure
- Design of intellectual animation concepts (the intellectual and visual interpretation of the narrative into an all-encompassing concept)
- Consulting on character and background design with a focus on the purpose of the various characters in the three-act structure
- Design of storyboard concepts and cinematic language (with a focus on composition and layout concepts)
These two volumes explore the possibilities of design and composition for both the animated frame and character. The topics covered provide the reader with a broad scope of artistic options, each examining the impact on the animated frame. These educational volumes assist the animation artist in making creative choices based on the foundation of design and narrative.
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